Title: Gin`iro no Kami no Agito
Jap. Kanji: 銀色の髪のアギト
English: Agito with Silver Hair
Genre: Fantasy
Type: Movie
Parts: 1
Year: 2006
Companies: GONZO
Anotācija: The wasteland that Agito lives in is 300 years in the future. Failed DNA manipulation experiments have lead to a state of aggression between the "forest" and humans. One day, Agito meets Tula, a girl from the past. It is up to Tula to restore civilization, and to help her, Agito makes a contract with the "forest," obtaining forbidden powers. With his newfound powers, Agito`s hair has become silver - where will Tula`s "mission" and Agito`s forbidden power take the story?
(from amdb.info)
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